About Me

Hi everyone,

I’d like to formally introduce myself to all my fellow readers, writers and producers of creative work out there.

My name is Ashley Sanders, and I currently reside in Adelaide, South Australia where I was born and raised. I have a Bachelor Degree in Health Sciences and have worked as a Paramedic for three years. I have always had a creative spirit and my imagination takes me on journeys so captivating I write them down in order to share my stories with the world.

This is my first blog post as a published author. My debut novel Facing Demons will be released in September. You can check out more details on my personal website ashleysanders.com.au and I’ll be keeping you updated on this blog.

My idea for this blog initially was just to connect with a broader audience and other professionals in the industry, along with using my Twitter, Facebook, and Goodreads accounts for the same purpose (come find me!). However, I’ve decided that I can provide you with much more!

I will initially discuss my epic journey to self-publish my first book, including all the ins and outs of writing, editing, producing, and marketing it. Along the way I will also talk about all the great (and not so great) websites I have come across whilst working hard to produce the best novel I can with a young adult readership in mind.

Amongst it all I shall also blog about other creative pieces of art and literature I come across. As an author, I know how scary it can be to put your work out to the critical senses of the general public and professional groups. Therefore I will find work (books, artwork, indie films) worth talking about and spread it through the community I am only just beginning to enter but already thriving in.

I plan for this to be another fun and creative adventure, with some learning along the way, and hopefully I can adequately share my discoveries in a way that will help other aspiring and emerging writers.

Other things I do for fun...

Anything outdoors - I utilise my beanpole stature to play basketball and volleyball. I love hiking and camping but never seem to find much time to do either, although I'm doing a camping tour of Europe in June! Can't wait! I'll be sure to put photos up on the blog.

Reading and writing - I'll admit that recently most of my time has been spent on writing. I still buy many books but unfortunately they sit on my shelf until a rainy day. And there haven't been many rainy days of late. I haven't got into the eBook reader thing yet, as nothing beats a real book in your hands.

Wining and dining - I'm a lover of good wine, great food and even better company.

Anything adventurous - I'm always open to trying new and exciting things!

I hope to chat with you all soon!

